Standardisation Workshops

Rossini Project has organized
2 standardisation workshops to boost discussion about different aspects of human robot collaboration.

The 1st workshop was held on June 24th under the topic of Standards about safe interaction and their applications within the projects of the Hybrid Production System Cluster.

Speakers included

  • Aske Bach Lassen from the Danish Technological Institute presenting the COVR Project, that deals with standardisation and validation tools and methodologies in the field of Human-Robot Collaboration, and the COVR Hub initiative.
  • Morten Künrich from the Danish Technological Institute presenting the SoA of standards in the field of safe interaction
  • Amanda Suo from UNE presenting the standardisation activities within SHAREWORK project and
  • Sebastian Herbster from Fraunhofer IFF presenting the method for assessing transient contact developed within the ROSSINI project

The 2nd workshop was held on October 8th under the topic of  Ergonomics.

Speakers included

  • Sascha Wischniewski from BAuA discussing State of the art of standards about Ergonomics in robotics and the SOPHIA project 
  • Brenda Olivas from ARMINES for the COLLABORATE project discussing Wearable sensing and movement modeling for the monitoring of operators in manufacturing and
  • Frank Krause from TNO discussing The human factor in the Rossini project
Core Innovation